For all grants received from the Lars Hierta Memorial Foundation, a report must be submitted within one year after the project has concluded. A renewed application for a grant requires that previously granted funds and research results have been reported. (Note that the foundation does not support individual researchers for more than three consecutive years).
The project report should be submitted via the application system. See below.
The project report should be concise, a maximum of 1–2 pages (max 2 MB). It should include a description of the conducted studies and results (research) or carried out activities (social purposes and crafts), as well as a brief financial summary containing the main expenditure items. Receipts or copies of receipts should not be submitted but kept by the grantee according to the current recommendations of the Swedish Accounting Standards Board, currently for more than 7 years.
To submit a report via the application system:
Log in to the application system with the same information used when submitting the application. If you have forgotten your password, you can get a new one via a link in the system. Click on the application that the report concerns and then select “Upload new document”.